Hosting interns of any age is a great way to introduce the next generation of workers to our industry and the amazing career opportunities it holds! NSBIF runs a summer internship program and partners with Harbor Freight Fellows to offer apprenticeships during the school year.
If you're a Sacramento area employer and would like more information on internships, contact Andrew Williams,Program Manager [email protected] |
Harbor Freight Fellows
Big Picture Learning, in partnership with BIF supported by Harbor Freight Tools, is designing a new form of apprenticing for youths who show significant potential and passion for the homebuilding and construction trades. Internships are 120 hours. These young adults are an enormous, often overlooked resource who could flourish with real world apprenticing experiences that provide entrée into the professional community. For more information about Harbor Freight Fellows, contact Maylanee at [email protected]. Skill Building WorkshopsMore than 50 after school skill-building workshops were held in school year 2018-2018 to introduce and prepare students for internships in the trades. If you would like to participate during the 2019 - 2020 school year in teaching the students the tricks of your trade, contact NSBIF!
There are a number of resources out there for employers who are considering starting an internship program:
Internship Guides |
Our mission is to create a future-ready homebuilding workforce through training, upskilling and placement for job seekers and current homebuilding industry professionals
1536 Eureka Road
Roseville, CA 95661 |